Thursday, July 31, 2008

Happy Birthday Annika!

Today is Annika's 8th birthday, and what an accomplished girl she already is! She dances, participates in Girl Scouts, and is an awesome role model for her brother's and cousins. We Love You, Annika!
Happy 8th Birthday!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Fancy Nancies

On Friday, Avery's friend Ella had her 4th birthday. It was a Fancy Nancy party. For those of you who aren't familiar with this name, it is based on a children's book about a little girl who thinks everything is better if it is fancy! What a concept!
Here are Ella, Avery, & Tess on their way in to the nail salon to get mani's and pedi's... Tess picked purple, Ella picked pink, and Avery picked bright blue!
Ella, sipping her sparkiling cider, because what drink would be fancier???
After nails, it was off to the candy store. The girls had a tough time dodging the paparrazzi!
Then it was back to Ella's very fancy house for games, presents, and...
cupcakes, of course!Happy 4th Birthday, Ella!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

creativity in MOTION...

For graduation, Gram gave me some money to buy something useful for my classroom. I decided to buy a kitchen cart with wheels from IKEA to use as a media cart for my laptop and LCD projector. As in traditional IKEA style, the cart came in a million pieces for me to happily assemble. The boys seeing the giant box in the living room, decided to put their creativity in motion- literally! With the help of our neighbor Jake, the boys created a go-cart in which they were intending to set on top of a skateboard and race down the driveway.
Davin tested the box to make sure they would fit inside first...
Then Hunter grabbed a helmet and was so excited to be the first to "head" down the driveway...
and the answer is no, the picture is not sideways...this was the result of the first test run...
It was fun listening to the boys put their heads together and engineer an afternoon of creativity.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Adventureland Mud Park

On Sunday, my sister-in-law Michelle rented the mudpark in Irvine for a fun summer playdate. Here are the 50 kids patiently listening to all the rules as they anxiously await their turn to get down-right MESSY !!!Avery, even with a fever, braved the tarped hillside mudslide...
Not bad for a dehydrated 4 year old.
Here comes Hunter....
My nephew, Joseph, not the least bit apprehensive about getting dirty.
And the apple doesn't fall far from the tree... Way to get in there, Michelle!
Davin wins the award for "Best Attitude" in our family that day.
Here is his progression in the mud...

After getting hosed down from head to toe, Davin rode home as clean as a whistle.
This is what summer is all about.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Villa Park Kids Football Camp

This weekend was the First Annual Villa Park Kids Football Camp at Dusan's new high school. About 200 kids ages 4-13 participated in all sorts of football drills. Here are a few pictures of a few of my favorite participants... and a few valuable lessons they learned about the sport...
Avery arrived a little late, coming straight from dance class. But it didn't take long for all the players to get to know her, as she was the only participant in pink!!!
Lesson #1: If you wear pink, players smile at you ALOT!
Davin worked really hard trying his best to get those bags to MOVE!! Lesson #2: If you take LONG water breaks, you have less turns doing the really hard drills.
Lesson #3: Always stretch before any type of physical exercise... or act like it at least...

Lesson #4: The higher your butt is in the air for a push up, the easier it is!

Lesson #5: Since your dad is the coach, sometimes you have to do the drills more than once...Well Done, Coach Ancich! A good time was had by ALL!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Extreme Backyard Makeover: Take 1

So we are finally getting around to the areas of our backyard that have been neglected for the past two years since we moved in. Here is our progress for the past week so far... First we tore out alot of weeds, crabgrass, and bulbs. Next we covered the ground with a mesh to avoid any unwanted regrowth. And finally we added 20 bags of rubber chips. It is actually recycled tires that have been dyed brown so that it looks like mulch. The beauty of this product is it won't fade, no splinters, and will last up to 12 years!!
All that work and it looks so clean, but I have to admit it didn't even make a dent in the amount of space we need to continue to fix up.This weekend's task: pull weeds, plant pansies, pull weeds, buy 20 more bags of ground cover, and did I mention pull weeds?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


It has been over a year and a half that I have been trying to grow out my hair. But today with a little encouragement from my hair stylist, April, I got it cut... It feels really strange to post pictures on here of just me without at least one kid hanging off my elbow or something... so Lisa, this is for you!!!
I feel really nervous about the change right now, but hopefully it will "grow" on me by September...hee hee hee!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

34: his lucky number

Happy Birthday to the funniest man I know...Happy Birthday to the world's most loving family man... Happy Birthday to the love of my life...
Happy birthday to my college sweet heart...
Happy birthday to my creative husband...
Happy birthday to one fearless DAD...
34 has always been Dusan's favorite number.
Here's to an exciting year filled with lot's of GOOD LUCK!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

working right along

A few new layouts...its like therapy for me.

Any advice on how to take better pictures of these finished products? Or how to scan a 12 X 12 piece of paper? I would warmly welcome any suggestions from all you experts that stop by!!!
© My Colorful Life
CoffeeShop Designs