Saturday, November 7, 2009

home stretch.


This is our 12th football season together.  When we met, Dusan started coaching for his dad almost immediately. 

I didn't get it.  The long hours and days were strenuous on our relationship.  I felt traded.  Lonely.  His time and energy and passion went to his players and the team.  When we would finally have a moment together he would be tired and distracted. 

I couldn't  imagine raising a family within this lifestyle. 

Soon enough we were married, and even sooner came Hunter.  I have many photos of Hunter bundled up in the Baby Bjorn in the football stadium.  We never missed a game (Hunter and I).

I blinked, and then came Davin.  Hunter was only 14 months old when Davin made his debut...

In August.

During a heat wave. 

weighing in at 9lbs. 14 ounces.

On the first day of football practice.

Again, even though I worked full time, we never missed a game (Hunter, Davin, and I).  I remember feeling crazy, dizzy, stressed.  Never a calm moment during those first few months.  Yet never missing a game.

Then Dusan got his first head coaching job.  All on his own.  More hours.  More pressure.  More emotional attachment to each and every win or loss.  Further traveling to games.  We still never missed a game.

Then Avery came along.  Dusan moved to an even better school.  Even closer to home.  Hog heaven.  Games started to be fun.  Familiar faces.  Less traveling time.  Never missing a game, even after a full week of work and three babies to look after alone.

Meanwhile, another change of schools and teams.

Finally Dusan is at the best school he has ever worked for.  He is treated with the utmost respect by the players, administrators, and parents.  The school has spirit.  The school loves football.  He hopes that our kids will attend this school in the years to come.  The hours are still long.  The emotion still runs high and low like a bad menstrual cycle. 

Then there are nights like last night, when his team beat their cross-town rival.  This has not happened in 5 years.  This win was so important to the team, the school, but most of all Dusan.  He needed that win.  Badly.  He got it.

One game left in the season (until play-offs, of course).  We are 6-3.  Where have the weeks gone?  

Amidst soccer, dance, and cub scouts, we still try to get to every game.  Hunter and Davin are ball boys.  Avery is mesmerized by those cheerleaders.  I get to sit and socialize and try to pay attention to the game as much as one can.  I can breath. 

This is his job.  This is his passion.

It has not been easy, but I really do get it now. It's our life.  A good life.


Sara said...

Isn't that funny how willing to overlook those things you are. Then, in the end you enjoy it almost as much as he does! My husband works for Cal Fire. He has since we met. I felt exactly the same way you did. He would be gone sometimes for an entire month straight. He was seasonal too. So, during the winter it was hard on us. I married him, and after I did, he got a promotion, then another promotion, and now it's not as bad as it once was. I actually enjoy it a little when he is gone for a while, it gives me time to miss him. That's cool that your kids love it. I'm with Avery, i'd be watching the cheerleaders. There is nothing like a good football game in my opinion.

Caitlin said...

Amen Sara. You summed it up perfectly. I am only on season three and I am so grateful that I have you to be there to enjoy the wins and mourn the losses because we know what it means for our loves and the rest of the week. Playoffs here we come and next I’ll be the one with the bundled up babies in the stands.

Mary said...

what a good wife and mother you are. they are very lucky to have you! :)

Rochelle said...

it's been long, it's been hard (at times) and through it all, I have continued to admire you and your strength. You ARE a coach's wife and he is so lucky to have you! xoxo.

Michelle Vandepol said...

love this narrative. you are blessed :) (and a smart girl to embrace your reality -- too many people look past their lives for what they think is greener grass)

Rebekah Williams said...

So glad he won. And I know you are vital to his success. Loved this post and always enjoy your blog so much.

Leanne said...

I loved this break-down of the years & the happenings. It was sooo cutely written- I had to have a little bit of a boo-hoo as I read and remeberred a lot of those moments.

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