Monday, January 14, 2013

up and back.

This weekend I had to make an un expected 24 trip to Sacramento to attend the funeral of my Uncle Steve (my dad's brother).  In reflection, there were some positives to this sad occasion.  I got to see family from far and wide, some of which I had never met before.   My uncle was blind and had made a big impact on other blind members of his community.  The way the speakers at the ceremony shared their experiences and memories of my uncle made me so proud to be his niece.  I will never hear the song "Amazing Grace" again without thinking of my Uncle Steve.

I once was blind, but now I see...

While in Sacramento, my dad and I spent the day leading up to the ceremony, running errands, site seeing (within the allowance of 15 minute parking), and most of all reminiscing.  I will treasure that day forever.

The capitol building was truly a sight to behold...

 I returned on Saturday to the following beautiful messes:  A switch in bedrooms (Avery to the office and the office to Avery's room)

 And the creating of a pinewood derby car:
 And sadly the mysterious passing of Davin's new bearded dragon Steve...  yes, we just got him a week ago.  No, we aren't sure what went wrong.  Yes, he's already been replaced, although I'm slightly gun-shy to post pictures of the new guy who is still remaining nameless.  He'll make his debut eventually.
 Once the dust settled Sunday night, and Avery was tucked into her new digs, I found someone else who was willing to share her new space.  Melted my heart just a tad.
 Big brothers are cool.
"After" pics are on their way.  Just putting on the finishing touches. Redecorating just never gets old to me.  Not ever.


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