Saturday, October 16, 2010

the search continues.

Still looking for answers after hearing the lab results.  Torn between feeling relieved and discouraged.  Hopeful that the dermatologist will be able to provide some concrete answers.  The new diet is a big adjustment. 

For all of us. 
We are still learning... and along with that comes forgetting and mistakes.  Trial and error.  We have a great suppport system including wonderful, knowledgeable friends.  I am grateful. 

We will get to the bottom of this.  I am sure of it.


Erin said...

Thinking about sweet Avery! That picture of her at the Pediatricians in tears almost had me in tears. Hang in there! You are such a good mom Sara. It's crystal clear how much you love your kids.

Lainee said...

My son has had "eczema" that has never cleared up. Just like you I have been using a powerful medicine that should have taken it away in a day or two and it didn't. The Dr even had me wrap his legs in plastic wrap for a few days to help the medicine "sweat in." Needless to say we still have the sores. It is so frustrating. I never thought about his diet though, maybe he is allergic to something... I will be checking into it.

Good Luck! I will be very interested to see what the dermatologist has to say.

Anonymous said...

Good luck!

Karyn said...

I stumbled across your blog and love your pictures. Your children are darling. I have two friends who had similar problems and found out that "bleach baths" have helped them more than anything. It sounds crazy, but it may be worth a try. I know there is info on line about it.

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