Monday, June 30, 2008

camping without reservations

Usually at this point every summer we have already been camping at Doheny Beach. Davin has been anxiously waiting for our trip this year in August. So we thought we'd do a little camping practice in the backyard to tie him over... This was our first time using this 6 man tent that the Carty's gave us last year for my birthday.
But after alot of hammering...
A few hurt thumbs...
And a few misread directions....
Davin and Hunter's hard work paid off...
We had a fun night filled with movies on the laptop, popcorn, every blanket and pillow brought out from the house, a few visitors from wildlife, two barking chihuahuas, a few ambulances racing by, unusually hard ground and let's be honest... not much sleep at all!!!
We can't wait to set up camp again!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Summer resolution

With a million papers and tons of reading these past 2 years, my scrapbooks were bumped down the priority list. This summer I am hoping to get caught up. Here are a few layouts I put together last night... Enjoy!

Stay tuned for updates...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

signs of summer

Summer is in full swing around here. With both of us not teaching this summer, it leaves alot of time for family fun. Swim lessons, baseball camp, dance lessons, and Balboa Island... just to mention a few of the weekly activities so far. Here are a few other signs of summer... Mohawks.
Faces wet from water balloons.
"Rewishing" pennies in a fountain.
And plenty of time to play outside in the backyard with neighbors.
Happy Summer!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Goin' to the chapel...

Not much can top the Celtics win in our house EXCEPT...
After 5 years together, Frank proposed to my sister, Lisa!!!
In her own words, it all went down like this:

'Twas the night before summer and the city was HOT,
I got off the bus, and headed for the home spot.
Up the stairs, I opened the front door,
and to my surprise, Frank proposed on the living room floor.
I cried and I smiled and hugged him with glee
because I said yes and have a husband-to-be. The ring he chose is exactly what she wanted. It is stunning!

We are so excited to welcome Frank as part of our permanent family. He is a perfect fit! I could not have picked a more genuine, loyal, motivated man for my one and only sister! The kids were thrilled at the news and Davin just had one question, "Does this mean I get to wear a tuxedo?"

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A Green Greek Day

Unless you live in a cave you know that the Boston Celtics took the NBA Championship tonight against the Lakers. Other than Hunter, we all celebrated (our neighbors included) this exciting rivalry come to a successful ending for our favorite team. Dusan has been waiting for this moment for 22 years (1986). This might give you an idea of his loyalty to the Celtics... When we moved into our first home he eagerly informed me that he had bought "art" for our living room wall. When I got to our house there was a gigantic framed picture of Larry Bird hung as the focal point in our front room! I was so against the picture and did not see its artistic beauty as he had described, and attempted several times to remove it from that center spot. But each time it mysteriously made its way back to our entry way! Now that's a true fan. Here is a picture of Dusan at the defining moment tonight... He couldn't have been more proud. As if the day wasn't eventful enough, today was "Greek Day'... which basically means Sparta vs. Athens variety games, popsicles, and tug-o-war. It turned out to be alot of fun on this long, last week of school...
But my favorite part about this event each year are the kids' costumes. They really get into it.
Here is Leanne and I in our costumes. And when the kids asked me, "Mrs. Ancich, why isn't your toga white?" I replied with, "It's my Celtics toga, of course!"

Sunday, June 15, 2008

3 Amazing Dads

I am lucky to know ALOT of great dads...
but there are a few reasons these 3 are extra special...My Dad...

...often made pancakes the size of quarters so that our dolls wouldn't go hungry at the breakfast table.

...thought it was important that I knew how to check the oil level in my car
in the college dorm parking lot.

...pretended to hold onto the back of the bike seat, but actually let go because he knew I could ride by myself.

...came to every single one of my track meets straight from work in his shirt and tie.

...Told me he bought me a red Mustang with a sunroof...
but drove up in a red Mercury Capri with a 40 pound moonroof :)

...Taught me that staying active at every age is the best way to live life.

Dusan... always ready for a game of one on one basketball with the boys

...can bounce everyone the highest when we play "Crack the Egg" on the trampoline the best wrestling commentator on Friday nights

...can lay on his stomach playing doll house talking in doll voices for hours

...always runs out at the last minute on Christmas Eve when it seems that the Santa miscounted and the gifts are slightly uneven in number

...Sets an example, daily, on how to stay cool and calm under pressure.

Marijon (my father-in-law)...

...Makes Christmas Eve magical every year

...Manages to be a completely different person at home, than on the field

...Has stuck with my nickname of "Sara Fawcett" for 12 years.

...Raised two amazing football coaches, just like him

...Calls moving railroad ties from one spot to another..."necessary"!

HapPy FatHer'S dAy

to all the great dad's today!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

8 is Great!

Hunter is 8 years old today. To celebrate we headed to Medieval Times on Sunday night to eat chicken and ribs with our fingers and root for the horse and knight dressed in red. Hunter, Davin, Blue, and Anthony cheered their hearts out and thought the jousting matches were so exciting.Today I am sentimental about my not-so-little boy. So here are a few things that I LOVE about my 8 year old boy...

At 8 years old you are a very loyal friend to both the boys and the girls and you always ask your guests if they are hungry.

At 8 years old, no matter what you've heard, you still love professional wrestling.
At 8 years old you get as sweaty as a sauna playing one on one basketball for

5 minutes with dad.At 8 years old, you still like to take turns reading pages with Dad and me. And you consider reading to Avery the equivalent to an adult listener on your Reading Log ;)
At 8 years old, you are loyal to your favorite teams, no matter who everyone else in the house is rooting for (Go Celtics!)
At 8 years old, your absolute favorite person on the planet is your brother, Davin!
At 8 years old, you play all sports with the passion of a grown man!And at 8 years old, no matter what I cook, you always race to be the first one to say, "Thanks for dinner mom!"

Your dad and I are so lucky for that day 8 years ago, and every single one in between!

We love you, Hunter Charles Ancich!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Poetry Day 2008

On Thursday we had our first annual Poetry Day at Granada Middle School. Each 6th grade Language Arts teacher picked a few students to recite an original self-written poem into the microphone up on stage.
Here are a few of my students caught in the act.Alison, James, Me, and Silvano
Corinna, Angie, me, and JulianAfter alot of practice and memorization, the students did a fantastic job. We celebrated back in the classroom with refreshments for everyone. Can't wait to see what they come up with next year!

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