Tuesday, April 20, 2010

pinch me.

I have experienced quite a few instances recently of being in the right place at the right time. 

Did that really just happen?  It must have been meant to be.  Luck.  Stars aligning. Balance.  A sense of calm.

I don't want it to end.  Everything just feels right.  Everything is flowing...smooth sailing.  It is so easy to get caught up in what's not going right. 

I hope I don't regret saying it, but life is good right now.  Really good.

I better run and knock on some wood.  Quick.



Not that it changes my overall outlook on life, however after posting this I did have a flat tire, the nurse at the kids' school did call to say Avery had gotten sick, and just 2 hours after washing my car it poured rain.  Ironic?

But life really is still good.


Rochelle said...

EVERYTHING! I too am LOVING my life...we are so blessed and you're right, very lucky. Love my family, love my life, love my friends...including you!xo.

Rebekah Williams said...

Lucky, lucky you. And me. Life IS good.

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